Posted in Blogging

Sleeping early

Something that I noticed recently, but what is an issue for me for quite a while already, is me sleeping was too early. We are watching TV every evening and I’m falling asleep so fucking early. Every fucking time. It amazes me. How can one person be so god damn tired? I mean, life is exhausting, that is true. But maybe this is also because I’m getting old? Or because I’m eating the wrong things? Who knows 🤗

Posted in Blogging

I’ve been busy…

So it’s been a hot minute since my last blog post and a few things happened. For example, I’m healthy again. I’m over my vaccination. I’m done with it the baby is healthy again too. That’s obviously a great thing and I’m just really really busy recently. We are cleaning up the apartment and there’s a lot of stuff happening at work so I did not have any time to actually write blog posts.

By the way, we are cleaning our apartment because we are getting a new cat this upcoming weekend😺 We already have one for the people, for the people that do not know, and we are getting another one, like I mentioned. We have like a big one; she is at least part maine coon and she’s female. Additionally to that we get a male and he’s is nearly completely white. So I’m looking forward to this☺️ I really do. That should suffice as a explanation why I’m so busy and why I wasn’t posting blog posts like in the days before that. So, I’m sorry, okay?

Posted in Blogging

A sick kid at home is… exhausting 🤢

I’m not really able to do anything in general recently, sorry guys. My daughter is sick. Some sort of cold. And when little kids are sick things are always exhausting. So there’s little room to do all that much else. I’m happy if I get like an hour of gaming time or two a day. So I can’t really progress with any other “projects” I have in mind for WordPress. Before that, right after my vaccination, I was actually out cold for a day as well.

But all of this will be over soon, I’m sure of it. The most important thing is the health of my daughter and the happiness of my family ☺️ I’ll be back to shit posting here soon enough.

Posted in Blogging

Corona vaccination and voice recognition

This is a test for several WordPress voice recognition software apps – actually it’s not specifically for WordPress, it’s like in general for voice recognition software apps. I just noticed it’s kind of hard to actually get a good grammatically correct sentence out there with that that the software actually can recognise. It’s fine though, even without actually trying all that hard to be grammatically correct the software recognises a lot of that what I’m actually saying. I just have to pronounce it very carefully and very correctly. And of course after actually saying the words from the stuff that I want to talk about I have to set special signs like points are exclamation marks myself. I have to do that myself because the software doesn’t recognise when it’s sentences are actually done and over. So while I do this people are running around somewhere on the street that I’m parking at because it’s in front of a hospital. I’m there because I’m here for my Corona vaccination.

You know that stuff they put in you so that you don’t get too sick when you actually get Corona. Hopefully that never happens to me. My appointment for the vacc is like in an hour. Until then I’m just sitting here on my ass in my car, trying voice recognition software. You know, just the most normal thing in the world. Don’t you do that as well? Or rather, wouldn’t you do the same? You have to kill the time somehow, right?

Posted in Blogging

Its time for… Christmas. Ew.

So it’s that time of the year again. Christmas. As I was posting before at some point probably, I don’t like that holiday. Never did, never will be. You know why? Because I’m a Grinch, apparently 😄 That’s at least what my wife is saying.

But it’s more about all of the trouble around all of it though. I’m not a fan of excessive decorations and that whole ‘ let’s be happy and nice to each other only this one time a year’. Like anyone gives a fuck when it’s not Christmas. I mean, some do, I know. But being nice to others should be a thing all year around. And decorations, I get why they do it – it makes the day special and stuff. But why don’t we try to make everyday worthwhile and fun?

Me on the other hand, I’m consequent as well. I hate people all the time every time. No exceptions. Yep, even on Christmas I hate the guts of others. But that’s just me, you know. I’m a moody bitch, pardon me saying that. But it’s true. That’s just me.

Don’t mind me though! Have fun out there 😁

Posted in Blogging

Screaming kids and annoyed wifes

There’s a kid in the apartment below us who is screaming it’s lungs out. Wow. I didn’t even know that a human being can scream that loud. But I guess the human body is capable of a lot of things, right?

Meanwhile while I write this my wife is talking to me. Im kinda surprised how less she cares if I listen or not sometimes. She usually gets all annoyed and stuff when I’m not listening while she’s talking to me, the cat or the baby while she’s in the kitchen doing stuff. How am I supposed to know when she’s talking to me?🤷

Posted in Fiction

Flash fiction test – the involved storyteller

“So, whatcha doing over there boy?”. A greasy, run down man grunted across a table. That table was in a bar. That’s right, you heard me. A real bar, with hookers and crack. So basically not a bar, more like a brothel.

Anyways, the greasy man was talking to a young man. He was clean shaven and wore a suit. His figure was slick and he emitted an aura of arrogance. You really wouldn’t want to talk to him. At least not normally.

That’s it for now. What do you think about this kind of storytelling? It’s a bit more “funny”. I mean, it’s actually not, but the story teller is not just something neutral. Its someone with an opinion, feelings and there are possibilities to make him involved in the story. I kinda like it. Of course, there’s the danger that the storyteller will be the main focus instead of the story itself. But well. I’ll figure it out. Or not. It’s fine either way ☺️

Posted in Blogging

It’s about french fries

It’s time for something else here. A topic that is unusual and funny. And weird. Huh. Yeah weird is like my thing I guess.

So uhm, about that. It’s about french fries. You know, those fat, yellow potato sticks. Id write something funny here, normally I would do that – something like ‘yum yum’. But no. I really don’t like them.

Wait guys, don’t hang me for this. Don’t do it! I think that way because … Well, you know. Because they suck 🤪 Na, I’m joking. I’m just more of a croquet kind of guy. That’s a crucial point for me when it comes to judging about people. If you like fries, hmm. Then again, if you do like them you might be my wife, reading my blog. But then again, why would she read this post? Mysteries. Huh.

Posted in Blogging

Brace yourselves, Corona is coming

As you might know there’s a lot of stuff going on these days related to one thing. One major thing. Corona. yep I know, you probably have heard way too much of that already. I’m not here to bother or anything, I just want to talk about my life during the pandemic.

Ah, one more thing – Im strongly pro vaccination, so if you’re not vaccinated already, do it. If you don’t want to do that, fuck off. This blog post is not for you.

Anyways, since I work in software development home office is something that is easily achievable, right? It should be at least, that’s what I’m thinking. My boss thinks otherwise. It’s a hard fought battle to get any home office time where I’m working. Just my luck. And as I learned today, even here are people that think that vaccination is something bad. Seems like there are lots of dumb people, doesn’t matter where you go. Oh well.

Btw, last Friday out government decided that there will be harsher consequences in general for all of that stuff. For example the whole home office stuff – companies actually have to put people into home office if it’s possible. It is a really needed change. there where also changes to the whole testing thing – it’s basically a passive vaccination obligation. If you are not doing it you are quite isolated. Deservedly so in my opinion.

I’ll go into more detail with my thoughts about this topic another time. Until then, stay healthy folks!

Posted in Blogging

Life with a kid

Since I’m a condensending asshole,at least sometimes, it’s been quite the challenge lately to adapt to my new life with my wife and my daughter. And with lately I mean something like since 7 months. Which isn’t exactly a short time frame to talk about, but I got to start somewhere, right?

It’s not like my family is making it hard for me. They are actually quite easy to handle compared to other families. But having a kid is never easy and since I’m trying to help out at home and with the kid while I’m working… You know. I’m busy sometimes.

What, did you expect me to make a point with this post? Actually, I tried to make one when I started writing it yesterday.i forgot though. I’m sorry 😔 Hopefully other future posts will make more sense then this one.