Posted in Blogging

Brace yourselves, Corona is coming

As you might know there’s a lot of stuff going on these days related to one thing. One major thing. Corona. yep I know, you probably have heard way too much of that already. I’m not here to bother or anything, I just want to talk about my life during the pandemic.

Ah, one more thing – Im strongly pro vaccination, so if you’re not vaccinated already, do it. If you don’t want to do that, fuck off. This blog post is not for you.

Anyways, since I work in software development home office is something that is easily achievable, right? It should be at least, that’s what I’m thinking. My boss thinks otherwise. It’s a hard fought battle to get any home office time where I’m working. Just my luck. And as I learned today, even here are people that think that vaccination is something bad. Seems like there are lots of dumb people, doesn’t matter where you go. Oh well.

Btw, last Friday out government decided that there will be harsher consequences in general for all of that stuff. For example the whole home office stuff – companies actually have to put people into home office if it’s possible. It is a really needed change. there where also changes to the whole testing thing – it’s basically a passive vaccination obligation. If you are not doing it you are quite isolated. Deservedly so in my opinion.

I’ll go into more detail with my thoughts about this topic another time. Until then, stay healthy folks!

Posted in Blogging

Life with a kid

Since I’m a condensending asshole,at least sometimes, it’s been quite the challenge lately to adapt to my new life with my wife and my daughter. And with lately I mean something like since 7 months. Which isn’t exactly a short time frame to talk about, but I got to start somewhere, right?

It’s not like my family is making it hard for me. They are actually quite easy to handle compared to other families. But having a kid is never easy and since I’m trying to help out at home and with the kid while I’m working… You know. I’m busy sometimes.

What, did you expect me to make a point with this post? Actually, I tried to make one when I started writing it yesterday.i forgot though. I’m sorry 😔 Hopefully other future posts will make more sense then this one.

Posted in Blogging

What is your motivation for blogging?

Well, there it is. I’m doing it. More Posts. Oh boy, this feels like 10 years ago. Believe it or not, despite me not being successful with this like at all I’m still doing this. I tried drawing, writing stories, making shit posts. Posts about philosophy. I still like doing stuff like that. It’s a matter of motivation. Try to stay motivated if no one is reading your content. But that’s nothing new, huh? I’m probably just not all that entertaining 😁

Posted in Blogging

So I lost my drawings…

So uhm. You know how I was posting images I have been drawing in my last few blog posts? Like in my last 50 posts? Yeah,you probably don’t. Anyways, I switched phones. I don’t have the remaining drawings available on the new one. At least not right now. That being out there, the truth is my normal posts were always more popular. popular in a sense like 16 people were actually reading them instead of 3. Oh well. So that’s how it is guys. Guess I’m gonna try to write some cool stuff again! Woohoo 😸

Edit: Extra points for my dumbness – i had a mistake in my title. Welp.

Posted in Drawings

Drawings #79: Bisaknosp

BTW I do know that those Pokémon got different names in english. But I’m way too lazy to Google those. Maybe they are the same, maybe they are different. Who knows. Anyways, enjoy another image from yours truly.

Also, I swear to god, I want to write some more stuff for this blog. Its just that writing takes too long. Kids take a lot of time these days huh?